Junior League

When does registration start and when do the programs take place?
Registration opens early in April and closes April 21th at 11pm for recreational programs and April 30th at 11pm for competitive programs. To be notified when registration opens, please follow us on Twitter, become a fan of our Facebook page, or join our mailing list.
Programs run from mid-May to the end of July, Tuesdays and/or Thursdays at 5:30pm at Caton's Fields.
Junior Competitive Programs
KU is running a Junior Competitive Open team and a Junior Competitive Women’s team. Junior competitive sessions take place at Caton's Field South Thursdays from 5:30-7pm from May 23 to August 1st on Caton field and are aimed at those athletes looking to take their game to the next level.
- Junior Competitive Open Team (14–18 year olds, 25 spots, $120 + jerseys cost for new players)
- Junior Competitive Women's Team (14–18 year olds, 25 spots, $120 + jersey cost for new players)
With a focus on learning more advanced offenses and defenses, these groups are expected to work harder while still having fun. The team will attend 2 or 3 one day tournaments within a 2-hour drive (dates to be confirmed). Field costs, and tournament fees are included in the registration fee. New players will need to cover the cost of jerseys but returning players can use their jerseys from last year. Families are responsible for travelling to the tournaments and any accomodation that they need. Athletes in this group should ideally have at least one season of high school ultimate or have played in one of our youth leagues before.
Recreational Programs and Programs for Younger Youth
Mini League (4-7 year olds, 50 spots, $75*)
Minis is an introduction to ultimate and general sport movement for all children aged 4 to 7. Sessions are co-ed and take place on Caton's Field South. Every practice is split between 30 minutes of ultimate and 30 minutes of another sport (rugby or soccer). Children will learn how to throw, run, catch, and embrace the spirit of the game. We aim to have groups of 15 athletes for every 3 coaches to allow lots of individual focus and attention.
Youth League (8-13 year olds, 50 spots, $75*)
Athletes aged 8-14 will learn to throw, handle, cut, and play great defense. There is a high focus on individual skills and small sided games. Sessions are co-ed and take place on Caton's Field South. With a big emphasis on embracing the spirit of the game, each session features 40 minutes of learning and 20 minutes of play. We are looking to work with children across all skill levels and abilities. Everyone is welcome.
Junior League (14-18 year olds, 30 spots, $75*)
Our co-ed Junior program is for 14-18 year olds looking for more opportunities to play. In this league there is a greater focus on playing together and understanding how to work as a team. Sessions will take place on Caton's Field North. Each week will start with 30 minutes of learning and 30 minutes of structured game play.
* Fees for recreational programs can be partially (to $40) or fully subsidized to ensure that the registration fee is not a barrier to participation. Kingston is a diverse community and our league is working towards creating an inclusive and equitable sporting environment by ensuring that children from all backgrounds are able to participate in this sport if they want. It is our hope that families pay the cost that they are able to: our recommended fee of $75 which represents the breakeven point for the league at 80% capacity. During registration you will be asked to select the fee that best suits your family. Note that your selection is completely anonymous and it is our hope that this more inclusive system of pay will be honoured so that we can continue to use it moving forward.
How do the leagues spend the registration fees?
Field costs represent about 15%, discs 42%, and jerseys 43% of all fees. We feel that this is a reasonable allocation given that each athlete is given a disc and jersey to keep, and aside from the coach jerseys every single dollar received goes towards the athletes. The only payment our coaches receive is the jerseys that they wear, as well as 1-2 used discs per coach at the end of the season. All supplies (discs, balls, pinnies, hula hoops, etc) are donated for use by Kingston Ultimate. If the leagues generate any revenue in excess of total costs, the leagues will split the proceeds evenly between the local Boys and Girls Club and the Kingston Youth Shelter.
Will there be a waitlist?
Yes. If we receive enough interest we will do our best to find additional fields at the same time and day of the week, though likely at another location. If we are able to put this in motion we will communicate as soon as possible to families on the waitlist.