News Archive for November 2005
Summer League Final Standings
Posted by Noah on September 6, 2005
Here are the final standings for summer league 2005. Thanks everyone for a great season:
- Los Tigres
- Def Leppard Fan Club
- Immortal Wombat
- red devils
- Wounded FlamingHoe
- Channel 11
- OH-SNAP!!!!
- Queen's PHE
- Charcool
- Score-o-matics
- Keysters
- Serene Green
- Molotov Cocktail
- Gold
- Tenacious 'bees
- Green Meanies
- RYATT aka Purple Nurples
- The Mother Huckers
- Albino Seals
Expiry Date: Monday, April 17, 2006
Posted by Noah on July 8, 2005
I finally got around to adding pictures to the site. They're all from last year, though.
If you have any good pictures, we're always looking for new ones (send them to If you want to send some pics at this point, since we've already got a few, I'd prefer if you'd pick out the best two or three that you have and just send those. I can't guarantee that we'll use all the pictures we get, but we'll do what we can.
If we have enough good pictures, we'll probably look at putting up a photo gallery at some point.
Expiry Date: Monday, April 17, 2006
Kingston Ultimate Forum
Posted by Noah on June 7, 2005
We've finally gotten around to installing a forum, so you now have somewhere to post all your juicy Kingston Ultimate gossip. You can find it at
There is a discussion board dedicated to lost and found, so if you have lost and/or found anything, please post it there.
Expiry Date: Monday, April 17, 2006